Saturday, February 28, 2009

Why Do You Insist?

Why do you insist on
Suffocating me

Why do you insist on
Trapping me

Why do you insist on
Hurting me

Why do you insist on
Having an obsessive power over me

Why do you insist on
Controlling me

Why do you insist on
Taking away my freedom

Why do you insist on
Treating me as a child or even a toddler

Why do you insist on
Distrusting my mind

Why do you insist on
Driving me to the edge

Why do you insist on
Driving me to hurt you

Why do you insist on
Making me fear you

Why do you insist on
Making me feel guilty

Why do you insist on
Making me worry about losing you

Why do you insist on
Refusing to understand

Why do you insist on
Blaming me for everything

Why do you insist on
Disrespecting my will

Why do you insist on
Calling me a devil

Why do you insist on
Bringing up the worst in me

Why do you insist on
Believing you Know me the best

Why do you insist on
Having the final say regardless of its destructive impact

Why do you insist on
Victimizing yourself so you get what you want

Why do you insist on
Becoming my enemy

Why do you insist on
Suffocating me this way

This is how she currently feels towards a person, whom she loves by nature and who sometimes drives her crazy. However, she would never wish to cut this person off her life. Though this person sometimes suffocates her, this person is the jewel of her heart. Please, consider the way you treat her sometimes.


  1. ساعات اقرب الناس لينا هما اللي بيجرحونا اكبر جرح في حياتنا بس مبنكنش قادرين نقولهم حتى انهم بيعملوا فينا كدا لانهم وقتها هيتصدموا فينا قوي وهيفتكروا اننا فاهمينهم غلط في الوقت اللي هما شايفين انهم بيعملوا افضل ما لديهم علشان سعادتنا بس بيكونوا فاهمين الساعدة دي غلط.

    كلامك عجبني قوي.

    Dina Elhaiwan

  2. Iknow that person quiet well. Be patience and ask God to help you. Maggie

  3. Because this is the nature of the most Men, especially if the women obey them in all of their demands.
